Set up the cadence and processes to assure that you stay on track towards your goals.
Most companies face strong competition. The team that can be precise in their processes will gain an advantage that will show up on their balance sheet.
Companies with a rising workforce will benefit from the communication training that comes along with executing a plan. If your lowest level employee can't name the process and how they fit into it, you need a clearer process. It has to be simple to scale. Vertical Divider
Execution Planning Process:
Client Question:
How do we get the founder out of the business gracefully? |
The Issue:
A founder sold his business and the buyer needed to hire a good manager to run the business in conjunction with the founder during his earn-out phase. The terms of the transaction were not divulged to the employees and the new manager needed a plan for running the company, with or without the founder’s involvement. The Steps: We helped the client complete a search for a general manager and integrate the GM with the staff and the founder. Next, we set up a dashboard for key metrics, and reviewed with the GM. Built next were S.O.P’s for each position in the company. A review was started on the relative performance at key time periods. We identified the leverage points in the business and had them teach best practices to the employees. The Outcome: The transition went well, no top employee left the company. New sales people were hired to handle the lead growth and the internal closing percentages improved with best practice training at the moments of maximum influence (MOMI’s). Vertical Divider
Questions addressed:
Lessons Covered: