This is the third email and second checkpoint in our 1/1/2022 Victim or Victor Series.
A quick disclosure on the title. Early in the pandemic a friend mentioned the phrase "Victim or Victor" off hand in a conversation and it seemed appropriate, not in a dominance sort of way, but as a mental puzzle. Kind of like we all get to choose our mindset in every situation and the hope is that you will see the good and work towards the victory. That friend just lost his wine crop for the year in the recent fires and we are crushed for him. 2020 has been a year of so much loss and required so many people to work so hard to keep things going that it is humbling to even have the audacity to write and expect anyone to have the time to read our prose. We write to share what we are learning to encourage others and as a form of self therapy to look for the good amidst the clouds and for us in Northern California the seemingly endless smoke. Thank you for your friendship and readership. Drew & Sara ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncertainty reigns right now. (Don't forget to still Plan)
Meaningful Shared Experiences are being created every week in 2020 (this bodes well for the future)
Checking in with people in the next 45 days before the holiday rush might be a good idea.
In closing if you want to help out our friend who lost his crop you can sign up for their periodic offerings and wine sales here.
December 2024
Complete Annual Newsletter Volumes